
Friday, September 9, 2011

Five Things Friday [#6}

I can't believe it's already Friday again!  It's crazy!  I don't know about you guys, but my week went super fast.  I guess I had such an incredibly awesome three day weekend that the four day week to follow just flew by.  Gotta love when that happens.  :)  Once again, this Friday I'm linking up with an idea started by Erika from Rouge and Whimsy.  It's called Five Things Friday, and it's where I list five good things about my week or five things I'm thankful for.  It really helps to focus on the positive things in life instead of the negative.

1. I was able to spend three glorious days with my husband over the long weekend.  It was fantastic.  We went out, cooked out, hung out with our pups, ran some errands, and just enjoyed each others company.  I couldn't have asked for more.  It'll tide me over for a little bit until I see him again.

2.  I've been super productive churning out my crochet hats/beanies so that they will be able to make an appearance in my shop very soon.  It feels so good to be creating something that is functional and will help keep someone warm on a cold winter day.  I even crocheted some while I was laying out by the pool, so hopefully, the yarn will soak up some of that warm Hawaiian sun and give it away on a cold day in the future. :)

3.  This week I was able to spend quite a bit of time with friends on the island.  I went with one sweet friend on what turned out to be a fruitless endeavor to find a specific yarn store here on the island.  We found the location, but they were closed and it was in a sketchy apartment-type place.  It all turned out fine, though, because we ended up spending a lovely afternoon at Starbucks talking and having a grand time.  In addition to all that fun, I've spend some fun time in the sun and been to some Spin classes with another sweet friend.  All that girl time helps me not to feel quite so lonely on this rock in the ocean.

4.  I got good news the other day that I have family coming to visit next week!  My brother-in-law is coming to stay with us for a little while.  He just graduated from grad school and has a job lined up that starts in January of next year, so he thought it would be the perfect time to visit Hawaii.  I am so excited to have the company and enjoy some good times with Kent and his brother!

5.  This one sounds silly, but I'm getting some new running shoes tomorrow.  I love getting new running shoes.  It's like they renew my motivation, and get me excited about working out again just when I start getting a little bored.  I can't wait to get my new kicks and start putting some miles on them.  :)

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!


  1. I feel the same way about running shoes :) Or any new workout gear for that matter, haha. Hope you have a great weekend!


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