It's finally October! (Okay... It has been for like a week, but whatever...)
As I've said before, I love October! Back home, I love the changing colors, that crisp feel to the air, and the beginnings of all the holiday festivities. Here on the island, I just have to settle for the fun decorations that go along with the holiday festivities since the weather and the colors don't really change. Sooo.... I've been decorating for Halloween!
Hopefully, I'll be headed home to be with my family this Christmas, so we may not go all out on Christmas decor. However, I didn't want to miss out on putting up lights and outdoor decorations, so I thought Halloween was as fantastic an excuse as any. Here's a little bit of what I've been up to the past few days...
I've got a light up pumpkin in my window, spider webs, a foam bat that I made with leftover materials from my wreath (tutorial here), lights around my door, a carved pumpkin, and skeleton lights along my path to the door so far. I may play around and add some more, but with limited space for storage here on the island I don't really want to have a huge holiday decoration supply. Even these few things put a smile on my face, though. I feel like I'm getting into the spooky fun of Halloween, and I love it!
How about you guys? Any fun decorations for Halloween? Does your family go all out? I've been browsing Pinterest lately, and there are lots of fun decorating ideas, so I may have some more fun things to share soon... I hope.
Oh... In case anyone was wondering why my carved pumpkin has green eyes, it's because it has an LED light that changes colors inside. I happened to catch it when it was green. :)
Of course you love's your birthday month!!!!! :)