Monday, July 4, 2011

A Few Little Things....

Happy 4th of July!  I hope everyone has enjoyed their long weekend and some fireworks!

I know I've had a pretty great weekend.  :)  I did some babysitting for two precious little girls, read by the pool, and gave myself crochet lessons.  

I just love learning new things, and I picked up a pretty great book to teach myself some new crochet stitches.

I saw this book Crochet! Techniques*Stitches*Patterns in the store the other day and couldn't resist.  It has lots of stitches with detailed instructions and pictures, it shows you how to read patterns, and it has several cool projects.  I spent all of yesterday afternoon trying out various stitches so I'll be able to use them in new creations soon.  I'm really excited, and can't wait for my next crochet date with my sweet friend SueAnn!

I'll keep this nice and short since it's a holiday, but I just wanted to say hello and share my new find. :)  Enjoy this lovely day and time you might have with friends and family!

Oh.... And I can't help but share that after over a month of zero communication with my hubby, I got an e-mail last night!!!! I was thrilled, and can't stop smiling.  :)


  1. Happy 4th of July Lindsay! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend! SOOOOO glad you got to hear from your hubby! Hold on to that happiness! :)

  2. Maybe tomorrow afternoon? I'm excited to check out your book and see if it's something I need to pick up too. LOL. I can't wait to see what you create now that you have this awesome book. I look forward to seeing some darling things on your blog...I'm so happy that you're smiling so big. Your beautiful face just shines when there's a big ol' smile on it. XOXOXOXO


I love getting your comments! Put a smile on my face and show me some love. :-)